
CCS brings the same quality of service and value enjoyed by our domestic customers to international shipments. Along with on-time deliveries, we also give extra importance to the safety of your products. Therefore our customers can be relieved of all worries while dealing with us.

Albania 8 Dominica 8 Libya 8 Seychelles 8
Algeria 8 Ecuador 8 Liechtenstein 8 Sierra Leone 8
American Samoa 8 El Salvador 8 Luxembourg 4 Singapore 2
Andorra 8 Egypt 4 Macau 5 Slovakia 7
Angola 8 Equatorial-Guinea 8 Madagascar 8 Slovenia 7
Anguilla 8 Estonia 7 Malawi 8 Solomon Islands 8
Antigua 8 Ethiopia 8 Malaysia 3 Somalia 8
Alaska ** Faroe Islands 8 Maldives 5 South Africa 7
Argentina 6 Fiji Islands 5 Mali 8 South Korea 3
Armenia 7 Finland 4 Malta 6 Spain 3
Aruba 8 France 3 Martinique 8 Spanish Islands **
Australia 4 French Guyana 8 Mauritania 8 Sri Lanka (Colombo Only) 1
Austria 4 Gabon 8 Mauritius 7 St. Barthelemy 8
Azerbaijan 8 Gambia 8 CCSico 5 St. Croix 8
Bahamas 6 Germany 3 Micronesia 6 St. Eustatius **
Bahrain 3 Ghana 8 Micronesia Islands 8 St. Kitts 8
Bangladesh 1 Ghurnsey ** Moldova Republic 7 St. Lucia 8
Barbados 8 Gibraltar 4 Monaco 8 St. Maarten 8
Belarus 8 Greece 4 Mongolia 5 St. Thomas 8
Belgium 3 Greek Islands ** Montserrat 8 St. Vincent 8
Belize 8 Grenada 8 Morocco 6 Sudan 6
Benin 8 Guadloupe 8 Mozambique 8 Surinam 8
Bermuda 8 Guam 8 Myanmar 5 Swaziland 8
Bhutan 2 Guatemala 8 Namibia 8 Sweden 4
Bolivia 8 Guinea Bissau 8 Nauru 8 Switzerland 4
Bonaire 8 Guinea Republic 8 Nepal 1 Syria 5
Bosnia 7 Guyana 8 Netherland 3 Tahiti 5
Botswana 8 Haiti 8 New Caledonia 8 Taiwan 3
Brazil 6 Hawaii ** New Zealand 4 Tajikistan 8
British Virgin Islands ** Honduras 8 Nicaragua 8 Tanzania 7
Brunei 5 Hong Kong 3 Niger 8 Thailand 3
Bulgaria 7 Hungary 7 Nigeria 6 Tobago 8
Burkina Faso 8 Iceland 7 North Korea 5 Togo 8
Burundi 8 Indonesia 3 Norway 4 Tonga 5
Cambodia (Kampuchea) 5 Iran 5 Oman 3 Trinidad 8
Cameroon 8 Ireland 3 Pakistan 4 Tunisia 8
Canada 4 Isle of Man ** Panama 8 Turks/Caicos Islands **
Canary Islands ** Israel 8 Papua New Guinea 5 Turkey 4
Cape Verde 8 Italian Islands ** Paraguay 8 Turkmenistan 8
Cayman Islands 8 Italy 3 People’s Republic of China 4 Tuvalu 5
Central African Republic 8 Ivory Coast 8 Peru 8 Uganda 7
Chad 8 Jamaica 8 Philippines 3 Ukraine 7
Chile 6 Japan 4 Poland 7 United Arab Emirates 2
Columbia 8 Jersey ** Portugal 4 United Kingdom 3
Comoros Islands 8 Jordan 4 Portugal Islands ** United States of America 3
Congo 8 Kazakhistan 8 Puertorico 8 Uruguay 8
Cook Islands 8 Kenya 6 Qatar 3 Uzbekistan 8
Costa Rica 8 Kiribati 8 Reunion Islands 8 Vanuatu 5
Croatia 7 Kuwait 3 Romania 7 Venezuela 8
Cuba 8 Kyrgyzstan 8 Russia 7 Vietnam 5
Curacao 8 Laos 5 Rwanda 8 Western Samoa 8
Cyprus 5 Latvia 8 Saipan 8 Yemen 5
Czech. Republic 7 Lebanon 5 Sao Tome 8 Yugoslavia 7
Denmark 4 Lesotho 8 Saudi Arabia 4 Zambia 7
Djibouti 8 Lithuania 7 Senegal 8 Zaire 8
Domnican Republic 8 Liberia 8 Serbia 7 Zimbabwe 7


For Entire Middle East - Mumbai only
For European, African and American Countries - Mumbai / Delhi
For Asia Pacific Countries - Mumbai / Chennai
** Special rates applicable for Islands - Refer Tarrif

Express Documents

For price details contact our nearest Service Point.

Express Parcels / Non Documents

For price details contact our nearest Service Point.

Paper work for Non-documents/heavy shipments:

All Non-documents / Heavy Shipments must be accompanied by Invoice / Declaration, which should be typewritten on Company letter head and should be in one original and 7 copies duly completed with company seal and authorised signature.